Monday, April 23, 2012

Technology Integration

Technology Thoughts…
Over the last several months, I have learned that when it comes to technology I don’t know very much!....and there is much I haven’t tried!  I also have one thing I didn’t have before--   an increased curiosity in technology for the classroom.  Because of the NGNOW course I took through the teaching center, I now want to learn how to do things with technology, and I’m willing to try, even if I don’t know how.  I also want to continue to learn more about how other teachers are integrating technology as well as keep up with technological news and trends.  I actually like learning in general a great deal.
I have learned that good teachers who integrate technology seek out opportunities to learn.  It doesn’t do to wait for other teachers to come up with their own ideas for using technology, although my colleagues do come up with some pretty great ideas!  I believe schools need to support teachers and students to understand the importance and relevance of using technology.  Technology will never replace teachers; however, teachers who know how to use technology effectively to help the students connect, collaborate, and think critically will replace those who don’t.  Technology is not a fad but an important part of how students learn and work, and students as well as teachers need to be able to learn how to use it effectively!
It is critical for teachers to be active participants in a variety of networks, including Twitter, Facebook, communities, and professional organizations like ISTE.  Teachers need to be active online.   Furthermore, it is important for teachers to regularly reflect and think out loud about technology integration.
I have never been what I would call a tech savvy teacher.  I feel a little bit tech savvy now but I do need to be willing to continue to teach myself things!  I need to have a willingness to try out new technological tools.  The NGNOW course awakened a technological curiosity within me that I am certain will endure.
Prior to the technology course, I was not passionate about the possibilities of technology in education.  I wasn’t willing to seek out opportunities to learn about technology and use it in my classroom.  Passion tends to tie everything together.   It is perhaps the most important quality for any teacher for that matter.  I need to thank NGNOW for awakening a passion within me!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Recently, I've been playing with an online presentation tool called Prezi.  It is similar in notion to Powerpoint but there are several benefits to a Prezi over a Powerpoint.  First of all, the “movement” between Prezi frames is more captivating to an audience and make for an interesting presentation.  Prezi has a big visual impact as the transitions are animated.  Second, video clips are embedded into a Prezi.  To show a video clip from youtube in Powerpoint, you actually leave the powerpoint.  Finally, the ability to save a Prezi online is nice.  You don’t have to worry about “losing it.  

Despite the significant advantages to Prezi over Powerpoint, there are also several drawbacks.  First of all, if you can’t access the internet for some reason you are out of luck with your Prezi.  Second, the presentation template can get a little confusing.  Everything is on one screen--  there are arrows going every which way, pictures, words, clips, etc.  It can be a little visually overwhelming to work on.  Finally, in my opinion, the biggest drawback to Prezi is that it takes a significant amount of time to learn and master.  It is not as user friendly as Powerpoint.  It took me several hours to create my simple Prezi. 
I’m not sure I would take the time to have students create a Prezi.  The Prezi learning curve is significant and it would require a great deal of time in the computer lab.  The periods at JDMS are only 35 minutes and it would take several class periods just to learn how to use the Prezi tool.  

However, I’m certain I will create Prezis in the future.  My students seemed to enjoy the Prezi I made on the Underground Railroad.  It was new and novel to them which kept their attention.  It was also a nice change to Powerpoint.  Nonetheless, I think the novelty would wear off quickly and students would get bored if I use Prezi all the time.  Just like in with food, moderation is key. :)